Dripping in the E-cigarette world is the process of manually adding e-liquid solution to your atomizer or fill material to refill your electronic cigarette. We’ve put together information and videos from the experts here in one guide, including tons of instructional videos at the bottom. Have more info to add? Comment!
Before you start:
Many of these methods could violate your e-cig warranty. Some e-juices may not work correctly depending on the e-cigarette brand you use. Proceed with caution and follow safety proceedures from handling e-liquid.
Why drip?
- Dripping is ideal for chain smokers who vape frequently and go through cartridges quickly
- Dripping saves money
- Ideal for people who have repeat problem with their atomizer losing “taste”
- People who want more control over their product performance
- It can give you more vapor, better taste and throat hit
- Hundreds of flavors and strengths to choose from
- You can make your own e-juices
There are hundreds of flavors and mixes available for purchase for this purpose, or you can make your own. Information on suppliers and recipes will be discussed in a later guide.
2-Piece Electronic Cigarettes
The cartridge used in a 2-Piece e-cig is actually a cartomizer (combined cartridge and atomizer). These are ideal for beginners because they are the easiest to use.
They are great for people who tend to wear out regular atomizers quickly and/or do not want to bother with dripping e-liquid continually like in 3-piece models. A well-saturated cartomizer will last for a day or more and is easier than straight dripping into the atomizer.
The white cap on top of your cartomizer that you inhale through is removable. Use something small to fit in the hole in the middle and gently pry the cap off. Once you remove the white cap, you will see a small circular rubber O-ring. This is used to keep your cotton filter in place. Pull out the O-ring.
The Condom Method
Not that type of condom. Condoms are the little plastic caps on new cartomizers–save them.
- Squeeze 6-10 drops of e-juice into one condom
- Push the filled condom all the way onto the mouth-end of an empty cartomizer
- Juice will be forced into the cartomizer
- Place another empty condom onto the threaded end of the cartomizer
- To prevent juice leakage, do the Taryn Spin
The Taryn Spin
Use a small drawstring bag, e-cig lanyard or some other modified equivalent
- Place your filled and condomed cart inside
- Spin
- The centrifugal force will force liquid into the filler
- Do not spin with the battery attached!
Does all that sound too complicated? There are other methods!
The Direct Drip
Plug cartridge thread end with a condom
- Remove mouthpiece end cap with some tool (paper clips or tweezers work)
- Stand cartomizers up, with open end facing up
- Squeeze drops of e-liquid down the walls of the cartomizer (15-20 drops)
- Replace O-ring and mouthpiece end cap
- Cover with condom and let sit for at least 30 minutes
- Make sure threads are dry before replacing on battery
Another easy method
- Fill condom or small plastic cap halfway with e-liquid
- Carefully drop threaded end of cartomizer into cap
- Cartomizer will slowly absorb e-liquid from the bottom up
And another method
- Add 5-6 droplets in circular pattern to open cartomizer
- Hold the cartomizer steady at a 70 degree angle adding droplets 3 at a time
- Wait for e-liquid to absorb
- Avoid over-filling which causes a messy waste and a gunky battery connector
- Total e-liquid: about 20 drops
*Some brands use internal reservoirs instead of cotton filler. You may need to purchase single-drop accessories like syringes to refill these.
- Blow on cartomizer a few times after refilling to expel extra e-juice
- Refilling your cartomizer too many times may wear out the cotton filler, resulting in a burnt taste
- Freshen your cartomizer by running warm water through it
- Wash your filler or add new filler
- Place your mouth over the open top and gently blow several times to expel water
- Let dry 24 hours
3-piece Electronic Cigarettes
3-Piece e-cigs are easy to fill, but also easy to break. They take some adjustment to get the perfect amount of liquid without plugging the atomizer or leaking everywhere. Purchasing drip bottles or using a nose-drop bottle is recommended.
Mini (standard) e-cigs:
- Remove mouthpiece from atomizer
- Drip liquid until it covers the cotton filling
- Let sit for at least 30 minutes
- Replace mouthpiece and vape!
Direct drip method (best with manual batteries):
- Remove mouthpiece from atomizer
- Remove cotton fiber from cartridge
- Drip ONE big drop directly on atomizer
- Replace mouthpiece without the fiber
- Vape!
DO NOT use too much liquid in the direct drip method. If liquid leaks into the battery it could break. Less is more! This method requires refilling often, with only about 6 draws before the need to refill.
Pen-Type Electronic Cigarettes
- Remove the cartridge from the atomizer
- Remove the mouthpiece from the cartridge
- Remove and throw away white filler
- Drip 3 drops DIRECTLY on the atomizer
- Replace mouthpiece
- Vape!
- Do NOT let your atomizer get too hot or it may break
- Stop vaping if you get a burning/chemical taste. It could mean you are out of liquid
- Wash filler with water if it becomes clogged. Add back to cart and refill with e-liquid.
Blue Foam
Blue foam has been recommended by many of our readers as a replacement for the white filler used in carts. It keeps liquid from leaking, wicks well and keeps atomizer moist. Plus, it lengthens the time you can vape before refilling. Sometime lasts a day or two.
You can find it online from e-juice or in most pet stores in the aquarium section. It’s called Marine Land and made Rite-Size U. The method below is for 3-piece e-cigs and works best when carts fit tightly on the atomizer
- Cut foam in 1cm x 1cmx ½ cm pieces
- Fill empty (510) cart with 12 drops of e-liquid
- Using tweezers, push the foam into the liquid until saturated
- Fill the cart with a few more drops of e-liquid
- Using tweezers pull the foam back to the top of the cart until it is level with the rim
- Add another drop to the top of the foam
- Attach to atomizer and vape!
For refilling, simply repeat using the same foam. Wash or change filler every few days.
Sometimes, it may be necessary to let the cat sit for 10-15 minutes to let the liquid wick to the atomizer. This will prolong your vape time.
Vapor4life’s quick and easy cartomizer dripping tutorial:
Refilling KR808D-1 cartomizers by Ecigreview
Converting cartomizers into atomizers for dripping by gpalmer1234:
A different mod video about converting carts to atomizers by Aerovapor from ECF:
Another video from DoctorVapor, “E-Cig 101 – Class 2 – Attys, Refills, & Dripping”
One more by DoctorVapor, “Direct Drip Mod For Most Atomizers
A great video explaining 3-piece direct dripping in detail from Vaportalk.com: