E-Cigs In Hospitals: Doctors See Benefits

http://www.vaporacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Women-More-Vulnerable-Smoking-300x221.jpgLillian Pierce’s mother Janice is in the advanced stages of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or (COPD). COPD is known as the tobacco disease resulting in permanent, incurable damage to the lungs which progresses over time. Doctors warned Janice for years to give up the habit but she persisted, smoking a pack or more a day into her late sixties–despite failing health.

Lillian watched her mother smoking her entire life, and consequently became a smoker herself. While they were both aware of the dangers, neither was able to kick the habit and over the years, she watched her mother’s health slowly deteriorate due to smoking related illnesses. Now in the late stages of COPD, Janice’s prognosis is poor and she is often in the hospital on a weekly basis for monitoring.

“It’s been really hard this past year,” said Pierce. “Because of her poor health, doctors are actually against her going through nicotine withdrawal, yet she needed to get off smoking cigarettes. We tried patches and gum and other prescription drugs but mom was miserable until we tried an electronic cigarette.”

http://www.vaporacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/tampa-general-hospital-150x150.jpgIncreasingly, hospitals are allowing –and doctors are even recommending–electronic cigarettes to their patients during hospital stays. Recently, a Tampa, Florida hospital officially approved e-cigarette smoking for patients and employees. Even if the battery-powered cigarettes are not officially approved by a hospital, many doctors look the other way when it comes to patients using them.

“Now when she is in the hospital, mom is more comfortable and I’m so grateful for that. I’ve begun using electronic cigarettes myself so my daughter doesn’t have to watch me go through the same painful disease,” said Pierce. “It means everything to me.”

SOURCE ARTICLE :http://www.vaporacademy.com/


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